I promised on the first anniversary of KirkMahoney.com that I would look at ways to make this website more useful to you.
One way is to make it easier for you to share what I write with friends and family.
ShareThis is a technology that supports this.
Until today, I did not have a ShareThis link on most pages. Now, you will find a ShareThis link near the bottom of each blog post, even if you look at it after it originally appears.
As explained at the ShareThis website, ShareThis makes sharing hassle-free through social-networking sites such as these:
- del.icio.us;
- Digg;
- Facebook;
- Furl;
- MySpace.
Even more instantaneously, ShareThis lets you send notifications about what you are reading to friends and family via:
- AIM;
- Email;
- SMS.
I hope that you find this change helpful. If you have other ideas for how to improve KirkMahoney.com, please let me know through my contact form!