Thank you, PhotoPeach, for your slideshow award!


“Better Communication for Smart People” is the theme of this website.

And I devote most of my blog posts to the English language.

But there is more to communication than human languages.

One avenue for better communication that we have on the Internet is the use of a photo-sharing site.

I have gotten accounts at several photo-sharing sites over the years, and each site offers certain advantages.

My latest account is at, which offers two distinguishing features:

  1. It simplifies the addition of music to a slideshow.
  2. It provides a “swirlable” view of a sequence of photos.

Although PhotoPeach is not perfect — no photo-sharing site is, in my opinion — I found it nearly perfect for quickly assembling a slideshow about the Amazon Kindle 2 at my website.

And PhotoPeach liked my slideshow so much that they gave me an award!

It truly was very simple to create the slideshow with the music and the titles.

If you are looking for a slideshow-centric photo-sharing site, then I recommend as one to consider.