What are three ways to improve your listening?


The burden of better oral communication does not belong entirely with the speaker.

It must be shared by the listener.

This got me to wondering: What are three recommendations that I would make to anyone who wants to improve his or her listening skills?

The answer? 1. Give undivided attention! 2. Listen proactively! 3. Summarize!

1. Give undivided attention!

Giving undivided attention is an honor that you pay to a speaker, as well as a crucial part of better communication.

Put yourself in the speaker’s shoes.

Eliminate external distractions.

Sublimate your agenda(s) while listening.

2. Listen proactively!

“Proactive listening” is more than a buzz-phrase. It is a significant approach to better communication.

Proactive listening means body movement.

Proactive listening means acceptance.

And proactive listening means appropriate interjections.

3. Summarize!

Summarizing ensures that you understood what the speaker said.

Summarizing in its simplest form requires parroting the speaker’s words.

Summarizing in a more complex way requires rephrasing the speaker’s words in your own words.

Summarizing in the most complex way requires analyzing what the speaker said and then synthesizing it into something new.