Goodbye, Google Play Books

Outsider's Perspective

Goodbye, Google Play Books. As of today (Columbus Day, 2021), you no longer can find How to Use Hyphens on Google Play Books.

Google is giving data to police based on search keywords.

I cannot support keyword warrants, which infringe on innocent people’s privacy.

So, How to Use Hyphens is no longer sold on Google Play Books and can no longer be previewed in Google Books.

Google lost my trust. Google no longer deserves to earn ebook-sales revenue from my readers.

Good Riddance, Twitter.

Outsider's Perspective

When I wrote “Goodbye, Mailchimp & Twitter. Hello, RSS.” two months ago, I did not close my Twitter account.

I left the account open with the idea that someone might want to read my old tweets.

I realized last week that this was unnecessary. Worse, leaving those “KirkMahoney” tweets in place implied my endorsement of Twitter.

I don’t endorse Twitter. It is leftist Big Tech on steroids. So, last week I closed my “KirkMahoney” account at Twitter.

Warning: If in the future you see a “KirkMahoney” account at Twitter, then please note that the tweets do not come from me.

Twitter lost my trust. Twitter no longer deserves to earn advertising revenue from my readers’ attention.