Time Management


I bought an excellent book on time management a few weeks ago.

Titled Time Management on Crack, it is aimed at anyone who has an Internet-based business, including bloggers like me … and many of my blog readers, I suspect.

The book is by a twenty-something author who is wise beyond his years.

His techniques have helped him be much more productive than most of his peers.

For example, he wrote, “I launched 52 internet marketing and programming products last year while also working a full-time day job. I have no employees.”

The author teaches that part of his technique requires a change of attitude or mind state toward time and tasks.

For example, he wrote, “I’ve used this mind state to write 25 articles in one plane ride, record 12 twenty-minute interviews in one morning, and record 50 five-minute videos in one day!”

The book comes with a money-back guarantee.

Given that it is priced higher than most bookstore books, I expected that I might have to use the guarantee.

But after I read the book and watched his accompanying videos, I was sure that his book was worth more than I paid for it.

To learn more about the book, go here.

Highly recommended!

Names mean things: Dr. Funk


My wife noticed this one.

She saw in a gardening newsletter an announcement about a plant physiologist giving a presentation.

The presentation? It was about mulch.

The presenter? It was a Ph.D. with the surname Funk.

I do not believe that it is a coincidence that Dr. Funk has been involved with mulch.

Names mean things.

Thank you, PhotoPeach, for your slideshow award!


“Better Communication for Smart People” is the theme of this website.

And I devote most of my blog posts to the English language.

But there is more to communication than human languages.

One avenue for better communication that we have on the Internet is the use of a photo-sharing site.

I have gotten accounts at several photo-sharing sites over the years, and each site offers certain advantages.

My latest account is at PhotoPeach.com, which offers two distinguishing features:

  1. It simplifies the addition of music to a slideshow.
  2. It provides a “swirlable” view of a sequence of photos.

Although PhotoPeach is not perfect — no photo-sharing site is, in my opinion — I found it nearly perfect for quickly assembling a slideshow about the Amazon Kindle 2 at my Kindle2Tricks.com website.

And PhotoPeach liked my slideshow so much that they gave me an award!

It truly was very simple to create the slideshow with the music and the titles.

If you are looking for a slideshow-centric photo-sharing site, then I recommend PhotoPeach.com as one to consider.